Tuesday, June 23, 2015

...has blessed us beyond what we deserve.

As we sit here trying to find the precise words to write to those pictures above we are easily overcome by emotion. How do you explain a decision that will lead you away from those that you love and those that love you? It is not easy, we can say that for sure. The decision to leave for two years was not whimsically made. Pre-application, pre-nomination, pre-invitation, and pre-departure conversations were had and tears were shed knowing our decision to move to Swaziland not only laid heavy on us but others as well.

This may be the hardest thing we ever do. It may not be. Either way we understand not only the commitment that we made together to join the Peace Corps but also the commitment that our families and friends made to support us - despite hesitation, uncertainty, or own life events.

We would never have been able to do this without you. We were raised to love others, live with passion, and find joy. We understand the meaning of commitment, responsibility, and respect. We were encouraged. We were blessed.

We are blessed.

 So we want to say thank you for your constant support, advice, and encouragement. Thank you for your overwhelming love. It is a pleasure knowing that you are alongside us on this journey.

"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience."  -Eleanor Roosevelt